Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Infertility Etiquette

Since starting my blog, I've found a number of other bloggers that are sharing about their own infertility struggles.

I discovered a post today discussing the issue of infertility etiquette. If you have a friend or family member struggling with infertility, what should you say? What shouldn't you say?!

A fellow blogger over at My Journey for You posted an excellent blog on the subject. Head over read her blog post, Infertility Etiquette.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, I ran over to read it, shared it with family,and commented.

    1. You are very welcome! I figured there are tons of people out there that could use this information! :) The subject of infertility is such a sensitive one. Glad you found it helpful!

  2. Thanks for posting this! I shared it on my blog as well and threw some credit your way!
