Wednesday, February 20, 2013

11 Weeks 3 Days

We've made it to 11 weeks and 3 days! Woohoo!! I'm a little late on my post, but thanks to Baby Center, here's what's been happening during week 11!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Appointment at my OB's Office

I'm feeling more and more like a regular pregnant person! Yesterday I went to see my OBGYN's nurse, Kay. She does all of his first appointments for him and I absolutely LOVED her! I'd only been to see Dr. C twice before I got shipped off to the fertility center and I was really happy with I suppose I should have guessed that I would like her as well! 

I got to my appointment...gave the obligatory urine sample...

Side note - I know I'm going to have to give a sample every time I go in...but I can tell that the process is going to get increasingly difficult. Why? You ask?! Because the toilet paper dispenser is almost ON THE GROUND!!!!! I literally have to bend myself in half (read = my chest is on my lap) while trying to get the toilet paper. WHY?!?! Who in the world decided this was a great place to put the toilet paper?! Ugh...anyway...I digress...

So...I gave my sample, got weighed (lost 7lbs since I was in there last Oct. YAY!) and gave all of the appropriate info and was sent off to my room...where I got an ultrasound!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

10 Weeks

Well...I totally skipped last week! Whoops! Here's my week 10 update from Baby Center: