Thursday, November 15, 2012

Infertility Today

I subscribe to a blog called 'Fit Pregnancy'.
When hubby and I first moved 6 months ago (have I already been here for 6 months?!) we thought we would get pregnant right away! We knew we would have some difficulty, but we figured a couple of rounds of IUI and! So...I 'liked' Fit Pregnancy on facebook.

At first it was great! I was reading all of these articles on how to prepare for pregnancy, things to do to help alleviate some of the more common difficulties during pregnancy and so much more. I thought I was preparing myself for the coming month or two when we would learn that we were pregnant.

Well, instead of pregnancy, we got the news that we would have to get pregnant with the help of IVF and ICSI. At that point, I started ignoring my 'Fit Pregnancy' posts. They were like a loud siren screaming at me, "YOU CAN'T HAVE A BABY"!! Maybe I'm masochistic, but I didn't 'unlike' the blog. I figured...well, maybe someday this information will be useful, and I don't want to lose track of it.

Fast forward several weeks to...right now. Amazingly enough, Fit Pregnancy has a blog that pertains to me!! Take a look at their post, titled, Infertility Today.

Apparently there is a PBS special that follows several couples, with different issues through the process of using ART (Assisted Reproductive Therapy) to get pregnant! Yay!

I'll be checking it out. If you decide to, let me know. I'd love to hear what you think!!

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