Saturday, January 19, 2013

There's a Baby in There!!!

Sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm actually pregnant! 

Other than the constant sick feeling, sore boobs and constipation (ugh!), there's not much else going on! Until my ultrasound, I just had to go on faith, knowing my HCG levels (two weeks ago) were perfect, and I haven't had any cramping or bleeding since then! So...I just had to assume that everything was ok in there! 

Well, now I have PROOF that everything is ok in there! I got visual and audible proof! 

I thought he said the baby had attached to the back wall, but now that I'm looking at it again, it looks like the front. So...I'm not sure! I'll ask again next time.

Dr. M. said that the baby is measuring perfectly for 6 weeks and 4 days! Yay!! He also said that our baby has a 'robust' heartbeat, at 116 bpm! Go baby!!!

That means the risk for miscarriage has dropped from 15% to 4-5%!!! That was SUCH a relief to hear!

When I heard the heartbeat I cried and laughed! It was such a surreal experience!

We are headed back to the RE in two weeks,which means I'll be 8 weeks and 4 days. If the baby is still measuring perfectly at that point, the risk for miscarriage will drop to just over 1%...almost exactly what it would be at 12 weeks. 

Soo...if everything is looking great in two weeks,we're going to make the final calls to the people that we would like to contact personally, and then we'll be making it 'facebook' official! I'm still brainstorming ways to announce it there.

Some other interesting things of note:
*If you're having trouble finding the baby, you can't really see him or her in any of our pictures. The big 'blob' that you can see is the yolk sac. Do you see the little white, almost perfectly round, white dot near the bottom right of the 'blob'? That's the heart! On the ultrasound screen it was like a little light flashing in the dark! So cool!
*Hubby saw the outline of the baby very clearly (I didn't get to see it because of the way the monitor was facing) and he said to me the other night that he thinks it's a girl! :) 
*Everyone thinks I'm having a girl...but obviously there's no way to know yet! It's all just speculation!

That's all for now! I'll update with my week 7 list of questions tomorrow! 


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