Monday, April 22, 2013

20 weeks!

Well...we made it! 20 weeks! Halfway there!!!!
Here's what's been up with me this week...
Weekly Update:
How far along?  20 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain:  I'm up 3 pounds from my lowest weight. Still down 4lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm ok with that!
Maternity clothes? Pretty much sticking with yoga pants (when I'm home) and maternity pants and capris when I go out. I got a new pair of lighter capris a couple of weeks ago, so now I have two pair! Oh...and I finally found a bathing suit today!! This has been a real struggle for me because my chest size keeps going up and up and the suit that I bought two weeks ago now no longer fits. :( Thankfully I left the tags on (knowing I was going to go back for a sale they're having this week) so I can still return it. Speaking of sale...Motherhood is having a sale this week/end and I have a coupon. I think it's spend X and get X off. If I'm remembering correctly, one of the options was to spend $150 and get $50 I have a $25 gift card! So...I plan to only spend $75 for $150 worth of clothes! I'm hoping they've beefed up their sales rack!!
Stretch marks?  Nothing new.
Sleep:  Sleep? Well...I sleep for about 8-9 hours a night (I'm so thankful I'm not working right now!), however, I'm not waking up in the morning not feeling rested. I don't know what the problem is, but it's frustrated. Glad I'm still only getting up once to pee though!
Best moment this week:  Getting to spend time with my hubby. We went down to Atlanta (about 2 1/2 hours away) to do some shoe shopping for him (he's traveling over seas and we have terrible shoe stores in our area) and to go to Ikea for me!! We had a great day together just chatting and being a normal couple! 
Belly Pics: Here's a comparison from week 15 and yesterday, week 20! Quite a difference! 

Miss Anything?  Being able to sit down without my sciatic nerve tingling. Coke, wine. I'm not a huge drinker, but there are occasions when I'd love a glass. Oh's worth it! 
Movement:  Yup! I'm feeling him move throughout the day. He's most active in the morning and at night though. I can feel him from the outside now but we've yet to be able to time it right so hubby can feel him move. We need to get cracking though...he leaves for over seas in 2 weeks! Ahhhhh!!!
Food cravings:  Anything fresh! I'm loving salads and fresh fruit and veggies. Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Chicken still isn't appetizing, but other than that I'm in the clear! I still get sick occasionally, but I can't find a reason for it, so I just deal and it usually goes away...and if not, I pop 1/2 a zofran. 
Gender prediction: We're having a BOY!!!! I still laugh sometimes when I think about it! 
Labor Signs:  Nope
Symptoms:  I think I have every symptom in the book. Dry eyes, tire easily, sore/quite painful boobs, tingling sciatic nerve, shooting pains on the left side of my belly that feel like nerve pain, go to the bathroom a zillion times a day, emotional. I find myself very attached to my husband and my dog right now! Don't mess with them!
Belly Button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Excited! Motivated! Lots to get done before our baby boy gets here in September! 
Looking forward to: Finishing up little things around the house and my trip to NY in about 2 1/2 weeks. Woah...that's coming up quick!! 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Gender Ultrasound Results!

Hubby and I went for another scan yesterday...the anatomy and gender scan! I went in to the appointment convinced I was having a girl! I was so convinced that all I'd looked at were little girl things! We even had a girl name picked out! It's not that we didn't want a's just that we couldn't agree on even the top two boys names! So...we decided that we would wait until the gender scan to see if it was a boy or girl. If it was a girl...we were set! If it was a boy...then we would have to do some serious thinking and talking!

For those of you that don't want a lot to read...we're having a...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Boy or Girl?!

We went for our anatomy and gender scan today! It was amazing as all ultrasound are, but this one was extra special because it was longer AND we found out what we're having!

Unfortunately you're going to have to wait to find out! I'm waiting to talk with my brother tonight so I'll post for you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 17

So far pregnancy hasn't been everything I thought it would. How do women go through normal life without seeming to have any issues?! I'm guessing that to those that don't know me, I seem fine. But those that know me know it hasn't been a walk in the park!

Thankfully I'm feeling quite a bit better, but still not back to what I thought I'd feel like. Either way...I'm happy! :) I'm glad to go through this to come out with a little boy or girl of our own! See below for what's up with me this week...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 15 Update

Hello second trimester!!!! It took about a week, but the 2nd trimester has been soooo much better than the first!! I still have to take 1/2 a Zofran occasionally, but compared to before, that's nothing!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

13 weeks 5 days - A new picture!

I'm at the tail end of my 1st trimester...some people tell me that I'm in the second already, but I'm going with the week 14 switch to second trimester theory. That's what the books tell me anyway! I can't wait until Sunday when I can read a new chapter of my 'What to Expect' book!!! So far, I've been forcing myself to only read what's happening that particular week. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

11 Weeks 3 Days

We've made it to 11 weeks and 3 days! Woohoo!! I'm a little late on my post, but thanks to Baby Center, here's what's been happening during week 11!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Appointment at my OB's Office

I'm feeling more and more like a regular pregnant person! Yesterday I went to see my OBGYN's nurse, Kay. She does all of his first appointments for him and I absolutely LOVED her! I'd only been to see Dr. C twice before I got shipped off to the fertility center and I was really happy with I suppose I should have guessed that I would like her as well! 

I got to my appointment...gave the obligatory urine sample...

Side note - I know I'm going to have to give a sample every time I go in...but I can tell that the process is going to get increasingly difficult. Why? You ask?! Because the toilet paper dispenser is almost ON THE GROUND!!!!! I literally have to bend myself in half (read = my chest is on my lap) while trying to get the toilet paper. WHY?!?! Who in the world decided this was a great place to put the toilet paper?! Ugh...anyway...I digress...

So...I gave my sample, got weighed (lost 7lbs since I was in there last Oct. YAY!) and gave all of the appropriate info and was sent off to my room...where I got an ultrasound!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

10 Weeks

Well...I totally skipped last week! Whoops! Here's my week 10 update from Baby Center:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

8 Weeks and there's STILL a baby in there!!!!

Soo...I know I'm slacking a little on this, but I figured I'd post 8 week stuff anyway even though I'm 8 weeks and 4 days...and Sunday will be 9 weeks. :) 

Here's what Baby Center has to say about what's been happening this week:

How your baby's growing:

New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.
See what's going on in your uterus this week. (Or see what fraternal twins look like in the womb this week.) Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

How your life's changing

You may notice that your bra is getting more snug. Soon you'll likely need a larger size with better support. Rising levels of hormones cause breast growth and other tissue changes, all in preparation for lactation. Your breasts may continue to grow throughout pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you go up a cup size or two, especially if it's your first baby. Keep this in mind, and allow for room to grow when investing in a new bra.

Feeling fatigued? Hormonal changes — in particular, a dramatic rise in progesterone — may be contributing to your sluggishness. Nausea and vomiting can certainly cost you energy, too. And you may be having trouble getting a good night's sleep at this point, especially if you're uncomfortable or find you need to get up to pee.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

There's a Baby in There!!!

Sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm actually pregnant! 

Other than the constant sick feeling, sore boobs and constipation (ugh!), there's not much else going on! Until my ultrasound, I just had to go on faith, knowing my HCG levels (two weeks ago) were perfect, and I haven't had any cramping or bleeding since then! So...I just had to assume that everything was ok in there! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ultrasound Tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow is our first ultrasound!!! Yay!!!!

I remember when I made the appointment two weeks ago, it felt like the two weeks were going to take FOREVER! Fortunately, between a visit from my in-laws and morning sickness, I haven't had much time to watch the seconds tick by! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

6 Weeks, 1 day - Sick!

Right now, I just want to take my hat off to all of the women out there that have morning/afternoon/evening/all day sickness!! I especially want to acknowledge you women who have worked through this challenging time in the pregnancy!! You are all my heros!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

5 weeks 3 days: Symptoms so far

I sort of wish I had been documenting this all along, but I decided it was finally time to start documenting my symptoms! 

Thankfully, so far, they haven't been bad! But there have been enough that I don't have to remind myself that I'm pregnant!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Little Bean: The Discovery of a BFP!

The discovery of our BFP was a neat one, so I thought it would be fun to document it. Not other for others, but for myself as well!

I'll document by date, and add relevant/interesting information for the important days. It's a long get ready!!

More test results

It started out a ROUGH morning! I had an appointment with my RE's nurse for more blood work at 8:30 this morning. Before I went to sleep last night, I remember changing my alarm from 8am to 7am and switching the alarm to on. Well...when I woke up at 8:30 this morning...I knew I messed up somehow!! Still have no idea what went wrong!!

Anyway...I FLEW out of bed and called my RE's office first thing. Of course they hadn't switched their machines over yet and so I had to listen to 5 minutes of recording before I could actually leave a message. I finally did, saying I would hop in the shower and could be there by 9:30!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Results are in...

Some of you may have been wondering and waiting for the test results I promised I would provide. 

Sorry for the delay!

But my results are in...