That's what went through my head a few minutes ago as I was thinking about the fact that I probably O'd!!
I think it happened yesterday...maybe even when I was writing my post about being frustrated that I felt like I wasn't going to O.
Now, I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic. My temps this cycle have been WHACKED out so I don't want to jump too far ahead of myself...but I can't help but be excited!
Right now, there is probably a little egg traveling down my fallopian tube and hopefully there is a little spermy-guy waiting there! Soon, they will meet and eventually turn into an embryo...which will then travel down and implant in a few days.
Right after that thought is when I had my "OhMaGosh!!! I might be PREGNANT in a few days!" freakout!
Eeek! Can you tell I'm trying to keep a lid on my excitement?! Haha!
I got in for a progesterone test on Friday morning at 9 am to confirm O and to check my levels. The next couple of days will confirm O for me as I watch my temps. For those of you that are curious...here's a peek at my chart with today's temp!
Apply the 'rule of thumb' to that ugly temp on CD 13 and it's a pretty clear shift. Only the next few days...and a blood draw will tell! :)
Can't wait! Good thing I have painting kitchen cabinets to distract me!
Okay, I guess disregard my previous comment, LOL!! Yay for O and good luck with the p4 on Friday. Hoping for good results!