Thursday, November 15, 2012

The latest news

Sorry it's been kind of quiet around here the last week. There hasn't been much to update you on until now.

Two large-ish things have happened in the last week.

1 - I am now a Virtual Assistant for 2 different blogs. It's a whole new world for me but it's been tons of fun getting to know the lingo and learning more about marketing and promoting deals. They are just part time jobs on a commission basis, but it doesn't take a ton of time and it's something little that I can do to bring in some extra money. I can also continue to teach lessons too, which works out great for me!

2 - I just found out today that my RE has been approved to be an in-network provider! Woohoo! That means that if there are ANY procedures or prescriptions that are actually covered, my insurance will kick in an pay a portion. I have been waiting to make my first appointment with the RE until we found out if he was going to be approved.

Finally...we have an appointment with the RE!!! It's on Thursday, November 29th.

Catching up on my 30 days of Thankfulness posts:
I am thankful for the amazing women that I have met over the last several weeks. We're all going through the same thing, and it's just been amazing to hear the stories and wonderful to have someone to vent to who knows exactly what it's like.

I'm thankful for the piano and clarinet students that I have. They are all very different, but they are all such a joy to me! I love when they come in prepared and ready to learn something new. I love seeing their little minds when a new concept 'clicks'. It's just awesome that I get to be a part of that!

I'm thankful for where I live. I know it's a simple thing, but living on the edge of the mountains...being able to look out the window over my sink and see the rise and fall of the land before's just awe inspiring!

I am thankful for girlfriends that don't forget about each other. When my hubby and I lived in VA, I used to get together with a group of girls almost every week. We laughed, shared, complained, walked and drank water together! Those are some memories that I will never forget, and I'm so glad that they won't either!

I'm thankful for friends that will take a call at 9:30 at night because I need a piece of music!

There is more...but I'm running out of time. I have a little girl coming shortly for a lesson. Hope everyone is well! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear all the good news! I haven't heard from you in a couple of days, so I guessed you were busy and not dead. :O) j/k xxoo Mom
