Monday, October 29, 2012

Infertile? Me?

It began on a warm sunny afternoon. It was a Tuesday, I think...

Just kidding. It was a cold, October day. There was a huge hurricane off the east coast, threatening to submerge cities from North Carolina to New York. It was windy, and pretty cold for late October in Tennessee. It was the day we got the results.  Infertility.

What? Me? You're kidding, right?

Thankfully my doctor was very sensitive about the whole thing. He said nice things like, "These numbers suggest that we might want to do something more effective for your situation than IUI. With these results, if it were me, I would go directly to ICSI. I'm going to recommend that you see a Reproductive Endocrinologist."

Again...what?! Me? I've heard of it before, but what in the world are you talking about? Do you mean I have to go through in-vitro fertilization to get pregnant? There's no other way? You mean I have to pay $10,000 plus to have a baby?!

Oh...ok then...

There is SO much more to the story, but I'll start there and work my way back to the beginning. This is our story...

1 comment:

  1. all i can say is i'm sorry, and i'm praying for you guys.
