Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Commitment to Health

If you know me, you know that I've struggled with my weight for years. At first it was just due to too much eating and not enough moving (read: college), but eventually I realized there was a problem. For years I struggled eating the right things and working out, but I always felt horrible and had terrible recovery time after working out...with zero weight loss.

A couple of years after this was when we first started 'trying'. I had been charting for about 8 months or so and knew that there was a problem. So, I went to my OBGyn. She did a bunch of blood work and told me that I had something called PCOS. I read a little bit about it, but didn't know all that much. I left that appointment and went home to do research. I found out that no only does PCOS cause fertility problems, it also makes it extremely difficult to lose weight. Yay! Now I have a reason for why I can't lose weight! What in the world do I do about it?!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Research Phase

If you know me, you know I like to plan...and research! If I'm going to make a decision, I'm going to be fully informed and aware of every possible outcome before I jump in.

Moving forward with IVF/ICSI is not different.

In an effort to force my brain to absorb the concept that we aren't going to conceive naturally...or even semi-naturally, I've been doing research on just about everything I can think of.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Infertile? Me?

It began on a warm sunny afternoon. It was a Tuesday, I think...

Just kidding. It was a cold, October day. There was a huge hurricane off the east coast, threatening to submerge cities from North Carolina to New York. It was windy, and pretty cold for late October in Tennessee. It was the day we got the results.  Infertility.